Michał Wojda: The economic impact of the war in Ukraine is enormous
(photo: Portal Spraw Zagranicznych (International Problems' Portal) - psz.pl) An interview with the Polish foreign policy analyst about the interests...
(photo: Portal Spraw Zagranicznych (International Problems' Portal) - psz.pl) An interview with the Polish foreign policy analyst about the interests...
Codru Vrabie (photo: Vlad Stanciu, Asociația INK) Interview with the Romanian expert on good governance in the context of the...
The two countries have problems with defining their river border and with the division of the islands on the Danube....
Who will lose if more bridges are built over the Danube such as the one between Vidin and Calafat (where...
This urban landscape in the Republic of Moldova can be seen also in many other places in Eastern Europe (source:...