Sergiu Mișcoiu: The Turkish economic influence in Romania will be rising
The third part of the interview with the professor of European Studies at the University of Cluj-Napoca deals with the...
The third part of the interview with the professor of European Studies at the University of Cluj-Napoca deals with the...
The excerpt below is an introductory chapter from Adi Dohotaru's book, Participatory budgeting: between emancipation and hijacking, Presa Universitară Clujeană,...
A talk with Rasmus Sørensen and Zlatko Jovanovic of the Democracy in Europe Organization on the Danish attitude towards the...
Cross-border Talks' Vladimir Mitev speaks to Zlatko Jovanovic of the Democracy in Europe Organization, based in Denmark, about the Danish...
Vladimir Mitev talks to Doru Dragomir – the president of the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria Romania, about the annual...
Vladimir MItev, Malgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat Cross-border Talks invited Marian Karagyozov - a Balkanologist from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, for a...
An interview with a Romanian expert on international relations about the recent developments in the Middle Eastern politics – Joe...
David Bisset is a specialist in child poverty and deprivation. He is one of the founders of Equilibrium, which is...
By Boaventura de Sousa Santos* – Globetrotter, Independent Media Institute, Other News What Westerners call the West or Western civilization...
Cross-Border Talks spoke to Walter Baier, one of the founders of the transform!network, Austrian economist and (former) Communist politician, about...