Marian Karagyozov: Erdogan is on the way to his next electoral victory [VIDEO]
Marian Karagyozov of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences comments the results of the parliamentary elections in Turkey and the first...
Marian Karagyozov of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences comments the results of the parliamentary elections in Turkey and the first...
With Iraq almost completely lacking public transport except taxis, the country is in a neverending traffic jam. Traffic lights in...
Vladimir Mitev, The Persian Bridge of Friendship Fereydoun Majlessi is a former diplomat, who served in Washington DC and in...
From February 2022 Radko Vlaykov is the Bulgarian Ambassador to Romania. He is born on 29 April 1956 in Sofia....
Florentin Iancu is the president of the Romanian IT workers' labour union (SITT). He was approached by the Bulgarian National...
Enikő Vincze currently works at the Department of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Her research interest focused on nationalism,...
Malgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat is a Polish journalist, specialized in labour and migrant issues. In 2022 she reported from the strike at...
Muntader al-Zaidi is perhaps the most significant face of Iraqi discontent with the American invasion and influence in Iraq. He...
- How many elections will it take to end the crisis in Bulgaria? - Dimitar Bechev asked on 4 April....
A Polish perspective on an EU issue (more…)