Women who killed for their lives
Andra Mureșan - HotNews.ro, 23 June 2023 HotNews.ro spoke to women convicted of killing their partners, lawyers, judges, police, psychologists...
Andra Mureșan - HotNews.ro, 23 June 2023 HotNews.ro spoke to women convicted of killing their partners, lawyers, judges, police, psychologists...
Lyubomir Kyuchukov is a leading Bulgarian foreign policy analyst. He is the director of the Sofia-based Economic and International Relations...
Ioannis Armakolas is head of the South-Eastern European Programme at the leading Greek foreign policy think tank ELIAMEP. He spoke...
Marga Ferre of Izquierda Unida (United Left) Spanish party joins Cross-Border Talks to explain the reasons for the left's bad...
On 25 November 2022, for another consecutive year, Bulgarian feminist organisations, NGOs fighting against domestic violence, activists from different minority...
An interview on the Romanian petition, recognized by an European Parliament resolution, that builds up political pressure Austria over its...
Falc East factory in Knjaževac is one of the subsidiary companies of Falc Spa, Italy, which produces footwear for several...
The former mason, political gangster, entertainer, singer, businessman... Berlusconi showed us that machismo and buffoonery have no limits. (more…)
The Bridge of Friendship, 19 June 2023 David Bisset is a researcher and strategist at Equilibrium - the largest NGO...
This special episode of Cross-Border Talks is devoted to an outstanding study prepared under the auspices of transform!europe - Hundred...