Why do Bulgarians and Romanians fear having a dynamic identity between themselves?
David Bisset is a specialist in child poverty and deprivation. He is one of the founders of Equilibrium, which is...
David Bisset is a specialist in child poverty and deprivation. He is one of the founders of Equilibrium, which is...
Ukrainian authorities claim that maximum freedom for business and a minimum state is a universal way to prosperity - and...
By Boaventura de Sousa Santos* – Globetrotter, Independent Media Institute, Other News What Westerners call the West or Western civilization...
The war in Ukraine has its implications for politics in the Middle East. The Cross-border Talks already wrote about the...
Interview with the Romanian philosopher about non-alignment as an option for the East of the European continent, regional internationalism and...
This publication appeared in the 1/2022 volume of Studia Europaea journal of the University ”Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca Romania on 1 July...
Malgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat, Vladimir Mitev Gabriel Danci is a Romanian expert on Afghanistan, who currently does a Ph.D. research on Afghan...
The political crisis that led to the fall of Kiril Petkov's government provoked a lot of protests and counterprotests. Bulgaria's...
Merve Bedir is an architect and researcher. She holds a BA in architecture from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey...
Enikő Vincze is a professor at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and a housing justice activist and member of the...